Theory of Writing

Theory of Writing

            I have developed my own theory of writing. I believe that I’ve always had this theory of writing with me, but I have never realized what it truly what it was. My theory of writing is that writing is the most effective way to communicate with others. For example, you can get your message across verbally, but writing it down will allow for further depth and analysis by the reader. Through writing we can understand a deeper message written with in the text. Writing allows for continuous study of the text, unlike getting your message across orally. I use my writing to spread my message and opinions out to the world. Writing will last for eternity and my voice can be forever heard. My writing reflects what I believe. My writing provides the reader to dive in to my mind and find out more about myself.


Before writing in Freshman I had a different perspective on my theory of writing. Writing to me back then was a waste of time in some ways. I did not value writing as I do today.

This class brought to my attention how important writing really is. Writing will stick with you for the rest of your life. Writing to me before this class was just another thing I was required to do. I did not want to write nor did I enjoy writing since I mostly wrote about topics given to me. For example, in English I was given books that I didn’t have a connection towards and I would have to write tons about it. In this class, I can choose what I want to write. For my source-based essay I could write about what I’m most passionate about, the environment. The fact that I could choose the topic I was most interested in, allowed me to develop my theory of writing and enjoy writing. I found out so much more about the issue I care most about, and most importantly I was able to help communicate my message through my writing. This essay has been the most influential for me in this course. It made me realize I can write what I want and effectively communicate that information. I can spread what I believe in through writing!  My Theory of Writing was mostly influenced by this essay since I had to search for various sources to help back up and strengthen my argument. It showed me that other writers have similar theories of writing, to get their point across and promote change!


My theory of writing helps me to create knowledge. They are both interconnected, since I must write to learn. For example, for the inquiry-based essay, I learned a new perspective on my issue that I chose. Before writing that essay I had a positive view on the plastic straw ban, but taking the role of the author of my humorous model essay, I learned the other side of this ban. Through humor I discovered how the ban is a distraction for everyone and how it takes attention away from the main issues of plastic pollution. Being able to communicate through writing in a totally different way was what I pulled out of that assignment. I have the knowledge now to communicate effectively and most importantly in different styles of writing!


My theory of writing can most definitely be used inside and outside the classroom. Inside the classroom I can use it to communicate to my professors adequately and voice my opinion through my writing. The classroom is a melting pot for ideas through writing. Writing is the most effective tool in communicating my ideas in the classroom. Every student in the classroom can convey to their peers who they are though their writing. By comparing writing among my peers, I can learn and better my own writing by observing all the diverse writing styles used by my classmates. Writing in a classroom helps to diversify everyone’s writing style. The influence of this will better able students to improve their effectiveness in communicating their message through their writing. Outside the classroom my theory of writing will for sure be used. From other writing classes in college, to writing letters to my loved ones, to even writing posts online.


I have learned to communicate my voice effectively. If my writing can help change someone’s views on something or contemplate or question their beliefs, that’s what makes writing worth it for me. That’s my theory of writing.

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